CAD to VR.

The multi-user business
appli­ca­tion for CAD in Vir­tual Reality

CAD2VR Logo dunkel

With CAD2VR®, easily explore your CAD models tog­e­ther in Vir­tual Rea­lity. Initiate a multi-user ses­sion and invite your cli­ents or col­le­agues from remote loca­ti­ons to dis­cuss your models tog­e­ther in a VR meeting.

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HTC Vive
HTC Vive Pro 1/​2
HTC Vive Focus 3

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Ocu­lus Quest
Ocu­lus Rift S

Win­dows Mixed


  • Save tra­vel costs – mee­tings across dis­tri­bu­ted locations
  • Dis­cuss pro­ject sta­tus on the pro­duct – with your team and clients.
  • Increase pro­duct qua­lity and mini­mize costs by detec­ting errors before production
  • Easy, intui­tive operation
  • Eva­lua­tion of ergo­no­mics, design, and completeness
  • Eva­lua­tion of space requi­re­ments and serviceability
  • Ideal for trai­ning, brie­fings, and vir­tual tours
  • Video recor­ding func­tion for quick sup­port videos
  • Opti­mi­zed for live ren­de­ring of large CAD data
  • STEP data import inclu­sive. Addi­tio­nal native importers optional
  • Secure data encryption
  • Desk­top mode as a fallback
  • 3rd Party Mee­ting Access – Free for guests
  • Off­line option: Use wit­hout inter­net access

VR Meetings

With CAD2VR®, you can hold vir­tual mee­tings from dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons. Sim­ply upload your CAD models into the soft­ware and view your pro­to­ty­pes in full size anytime.

Ver­sa­tile Use

CAD2VR® offers diverse appli­ca­tion pos­si­bi­li­ties in the fields of deve­lo­p­ment and pre­sen­ta­tion. For exam­ple, for eva­lua­ting ergo­no­mics and space requi­re­ments or dis­cus­sing the cur­rent pro­ject status.

Great Bene­fits

CAD2VR® inte­gra­tes its­elf into your day-to-day busi­ness with great bene­fits. With CAD2VR®, you deve­lop directly on the pro­duct in every pro­ject phase, so errors in plan­ning and design are detec­ted at an early stage.

Off­line Option

Does your IT only allow limi­ted inter­net access? CAD2VR® offers an addi­tio­nal off­line option for this sce­na­rio. With this optio­nal add-on, you can use CAD2VR® wit­hout inter­net access.


Increase the effi­ci­ency of your deve­lo­p­ment pro­ces­ses with remote VR mee­tings! Mini­mize costs, early error detec­tion through the »Rule of Ten«, eva­lua­tion of space requi­re­ments, ergo­no­mics and main­taina­bi­lity, shor­tened deve­lo­p­ment times, new con­cept eva­lua­tion, intui­tive 3D access for non-tech­ni­ci­ans, and a modern pre­sen­ta­tion for customers.


Invite pro­s­pects to our multi-user remote VR mee­tings and impress them with emo­tio­nal cus­to­mer pre­sen­ta­ti­ons that drive sales. Our solu­tion enables cus­to­mers to deve­lop a bet­ter under­stan­ding and build trust as we bring large equip­ment and 3D models to them effort­lessly. Expand your capa­bi­li­ties and leave a las­ting impres­sion on your customers.


Use our inno­va­tive solu­tion to fami­lia­rize yours­elf with pro­ducts and pro­ces­ses using vir­tual pro­to­ty­pes, easily fol­low indi­vi­dual steps using detailed assem­bly ins­truc­tions and create impres­sive vir­tual tours that are ideal for trai­ning purposes.


Invite your guests to inter­ac­tive multi-user remote VR mee­tings and bene­fit from the simple and fast video recor­ding func­tion to create sup­port videos. Turn your vir­tual mee­ting into an effec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion plat­form and improve your sup­port capa­bi­li­ties at the same time.


Use a con­tem­po­rary pre­sen­ta­tion method to suc­cessfully recruit new staff. Use this oppor­tu­nity at job fairs, for exam­ple, to address poten­tial trai­nees and con­vince them of your attrac­tive career opportunities.

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htc vive logo


oculus rift logo


Win­dows Mixed Reality


CAD2VR Logo klein weiß

Do you want more infor­ma­tion about CAD2VR®?
Do you wish to sche­dule a pre­sen­ta­tion appointment
on site or via video conference?

Give us a call +49–5401–856851–0
or write to us.

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