CAD2VR® Update 1.72

UI/​UX Update

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CAD2VR® is now available in ver­sion 1.72. With a fully opti­mi­zed, user-fri­endly design and an adapted con­trol­ler assign­ment, we make your work easier and your pro­ces­ses fas­ter, simp­ler and more efficient.

Optimized user interface

CAD2VR® shi­nes in a new light: In addi­tion to a more struc­tu­red design and new, self-expl­ana­tory icons, the menu struc­ture has also been revi­sed. The main menu has been expan­ded with a tab menu, making navi­ga­tion easier. A feed­back fea­ture pro­vi­des infor­ma­tion about the func­tion of each but­ton. You can now access all key func­tions in fewer steps. Navi­gate more effi­ci­ently and intui­tively through the software.

Fast Flight Mode access

Acti­vate Flight Mode imme­dia­tely by hol­ding the left grip but­ton. Exit Flight Mode by releasing the but­ton and then con­ti­nue navi­ga­ting as usual in Tele­port Mode. The new func­tion sim­pli­fies move­ment in VR enormously.

Optimized Cutting Tool

With the newly desi­gned and opti­mi­zed cut­ting tool, you can now work much more pre­cis­ely. Thanks to the opti­mi­zed rota­tion and move­ment arrows, you have bet­ter con­trol and can make your cuts even more easily.

Show and hide objects

You can now show and hide objects using the right trig­ger while hol­ding down the left trig­ger – per­fect for com­plex sce­na­rios. Note: If the X‑Ray tool is active, you can use the same com­bi­na­tion to remove X‑Ray.

Active tool indicator

In the cur­rent ver­sion, you can now always see directly which tool is curr­ently active. Thanks to the tool indi­ca­tor on the right-hand con­trol­ler, you always have an overview.