CAD2VR® News

Standalone for Meta Quest

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CAD2VR® directly on your VR headset!

Our inno­va­tive stan­da­lone ver­sion for Meta Quest 3 allows you to expe­ri­ence your CAD data in impres­sive vir­tual rea­lity. Expe­ri­ence maxi­mum free­dom, intui­tive ope­ra­tion and com­plete con­trol over your pro­jects. With our new solu­tion, you can take your CAD data with you whe­re­ver you go and enjoy num­e­rous advan­ta­ges of the PC ver­sion directly on your VR glasses.

The stan­da­lone ver­sion offers free­dom wit­hout a con­nec­tion to the PC.

The best part: No addi­tio­nal hard­ware is requi­red, as the soft­ware runs inde­pendently on the head­set. Acces­sing your CAD data is effort­less – sim­ply trans­fer it from your PC to the head­set or load it from the cloud, and you’re ready to go!