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Your solution for CAD in Virtual Reality

With CAD2VR®, you can easily bring your CAD models into the world of Vir­tual Rea­lity and bene­fit from num­e­rous advan­ta­ges. Our appli­ca­tion allows you to initiate multi-user ses­si­ons and invite your cli­ents or employees from remote loca­ti­ons to dis­cuss models tog­e­ther in VR mee­tings. Alter­na­tively, use the off­line ver­sion and work inde­pendently of the internet.


Why choose CAD2VR®?

With CAD2VR®, col­la­bo­ra­ting on CAD models has never been easier. Expe­ri­ence your pro­jects in a new dimen­sion and enhance the effi­ci­ency of your work. Start today and dive into the world of CAD in Vir­tual Rea­lity! Use CAD2VR® off­line or online.

Enhance Pro­duct Quality

Dis­cuss the pro­ject sta­tus at the pro­duct with your team or with cus­to­mers to iden­tify errors before pro­duc­tion and the­r­e­fore mini­mize costs.

Reduce Tra­vel Costs

Thanks to vir­tual mee­tings across dis­tri­bu­ted loca­ti­ons, you save time and money.

Ver­sa­tile Usability

Use CAD2VR® for trai­ning, ori­en­ta­ti­ons, vir­tual tours and more.

Easy To Use

CAD2VR® offers an intui­tive user inter­face that sim­pli­fies navi­ga­tion and inter­ac­tion with your CAD models.


Your data is secure, thanks to secure encryp­tion. It is stored locally on your PC; if you have boo­ked the multi-user option or cloud sto­rage, it is stored on ser­vers in Germany.


Invite your boo­ked guests free of charge to dis­cuss your pro­jects and exch­ange ideas.

Whe­ther you’re using Ocu­lus Quest, HTC Vive /​ Focus 3, PICO 4, or Win­dows Mixed Rea­lity – CAD2VR® sup­ports a wide range of VR plat­forms to ensure you can expe­ri­ence your CAD pro­jects optimally.


Get an Over­view of
CAD2VR® Features


Get an Over­view of the
Multi-user tool CAD2VR®

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Do you want more infor­ma­tion about CAD2VR®?
Do you wish to sche­dule a presentation
appoint­ment on site or via video conference?

Give us a call +49 (0)5401–856851–0
or write to us.

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