Price Over­view


79€/​ month

Annual bil­ling 948€

Licen­sing model Sin­gle User: Sign-in only available on one PC

Sin­gle User

Multi-user option Expe­ri­ence your models in a VR envi­ron­ment tog­e­ther with guests from dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons. Guests can easily join an online room with limi­ted space crea­ted by you.

0 Guests 

Price per guest 59€ /​ month

Addi­tio­nal off­line option An off­line license can only be used on one PC and does not include online features.

Price 39€ /​ month

Limi­ted range of func­tions The fol­lo­wing tools are not included: Mea­sure, Anno­tate, XRay, Cut­ting and Mon­tage Tool as well as Video Recording.

Limi­ted email sup­port E‑mail sup­port is limi­ted to assis­tance with initial setup

STEP import

Updates All updates are included.



199€/​ month

Annual bil­ling 2388€

Licen­sing modelSin­gle User: Sign-in only available on one PC
Floa­ting: The used PC can be changed

Multi-user Option Expe­ri­ence your models in a VR envi­ron­ment tog­e­ther with guests from dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons. Guests can easily join an online room with limi­ted space crea­ted by you.

0 Guests 

Price per guest 59€ /​ month

Addi­tio­nal off­line option An off­line license can only be used on one PC and does not include online features.

Price 39€ /​ month

Full func­tion­a­lity In the VR envi­ron­ment, you can move the model or indi­vi­dual parts. Addi­tio­nally, you can take mea­su­re­ments, create anno­ta­ti­ons, open the model through a cut­ting plane, make indi­vi­dual parts trans­pa­rent with the XRay tool, create assem­bly ins­truc­tions, and record sessions.

Full email sup­port If you encoun­ter any issues or have ques­ti­ons, you’ll receive sup­port via email

STEP import, point clouds Addi­tio­nally import point cloud files (.pts, .xyz, .e57, .las, .laz) into the VR environment

Updates All updates are included



Licen­sing model

indi­vi­dual license

Multi-user option Expe­ri­ence your models in a VR envi­ron­ment tog­e­ther with guests from dif­fe­rent loca­ti­ons. Guests can easily join an online room with limi­ted space crea­ted by you.

Cus­tom user packages

Off­line option An off­line license can only be used on one PC and does not include online features.

Cus­tom Price

Full func­tion­a­lity In the VR envi­ron­ment, you can move the model or indi­vi­dual parts. Addi­tio­nally, you can take mea­su­re­ments, create anno­ta­ti­ons, open the model through a cut­ting plane, make indi­vi­dual parts trans­pa­rent with the X‑Ray tool, create assem­bly ins­truc­tions, and record sessions.

Per­so­nal sup­port If you encoun­ter any issues or have ques­ti­ons, you’ll receive per­so­nal sup­port via email or phone.

Addi­tio­nal CAD For­mats Addi­tio­nal CAD For­mats, e.g. Solidworks

Updates All Updates included.

You’re inqui­ring for an edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­tion? We offer dis­coun­ted edu­ca­tio­nal licenses.


CAD2VR Cloud

License type

Monthly costs

Sin­gle user

Order Overview



Multi-user option

Monthly costs

0 Guests



Offline option

Monthly costs






Total amount


plus VAT.

Annual sub­scrip­tion. Annual billing


    Contact us for individual license customization.

      I have read and accept thelicense agree­ment and the pri­vacy policy.