
CAD2VR® offers an impres­sive array of fea­tures that make CAD2VR® an out­stan­ding solu­tion in the vir­tual world. Get an in-depth look at these out­stan­ding fea­tures and dis­co­ver how CAD2VR® can sim­plify your pro­ject planning.

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Expe­ri­ence your CAD models tog­e­ther in life-size

Hold mee­tings with your cus­to­mers and employees in VR

Access your designs remo­tely from anywhere


Own models directly from design in VR

Use of the uni­ver­sally com­mon STEP format

Fur­ther optio­nal import for­mats available 

Colours of parts are adopted

Adjus­ta­ble level of model detail

Encrypted ses­sion storage


View CAD data in ori­gi­nal size

Free navi­ga­tion allows a view into all areas of the model

Navi­ga­tion per Teleport

Simple move­ment of components


Func­tion­a­lity of the VR mode also available on desktop

Inter­ac­tive 3D-Viewer

Easily view CAD data on screen

Switch bet­ween desk­top and VR mode anytime


Simple and intui­tive navi­ga­tion through the com­plete hier­ar­chy of models

Load mul­ti­ple models within one session

Toggle assem­bly visibility


Inter­act with all com­pon­ents of the model

Move, rotate, and freely posi­tion indi­vi­dual parts in space

Hide and iso­late indi­vi­dual parts

Cutting Tool

Cut 3D models at a cut­ting plane

Freely rotata­ble and posi­tionable cut­ting plane

Lon­gi­tu­di­nal and cross sec­tions of any model

Montage Tool

Crea­tion of ins­truc­tions and explo­ded views

Saving object sta­tes and viewer positions

Docu­men­ta­tion of instructions

Step-by-step and ani­ma­ted vie­w­ing of the instructions

Ideal for remote support

Video Recording

Start video recor­dings easily

Create com­pres­sed sup­port videos

incl. sound recor­ding for easy explanation

For­war­ding of video con­tent, e.g. by email


Fast mea­su­re­ment of 3D models

Drawing Tool

Dra­wing anno­ta­ti­ons in 3D


X‑ray indi­vi­dual parts: Quick insight into the inner workings of the models

Iso­late indi­vi­dual parts:Simple obser­va­tion of indi­vi­dual com­pon­ents in detail

Point Clouds

Sup­port for loa­ding point clouds

for syn­chro­ni­sa­tion with your design data

Opti­mi­sed for smooth performance

Adjus­ta­ble num­ber of visi­ble points

Fly Mode

Switch bet­ween fly and tele­port mode


Hap­tic Feed­back on the controller

Visual Feed­back on the headset

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Do you want more infor­ma­tion about CAD2VR®?
Do you wish to sche­dule a presentation
appoint­ment on site or via video conference?

Give us a call +49–5401–856851–0
or write to us.

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